Monday, 19 March 2018

SSIS: Last Row is Being Skipped During Import

Fix the package by changing the TextQualifier. Edit the dtsx package using a text editor.

<DTS:Property DTS:Name="TextQualifier"><none></DTS:Property>

The text qualifier is getting changed to _x003C_none_x003E for some reason.

SSRS: Dynamic Parameters and Subject


update EmailSubscription
set Parameters = '<ParameterValues><ParameterValue><Name>ReportDate</Name><Field>ReportDate</Field></ParameterValue><ParameterValue><Name>ReportType</Name><Field>ReportType</Field></ParameterValue></ParameterValues>',
DataSettingParameters = '<Field><Alias>ReportDate</Alias><Name>ReportDate</Name></Field><Field><Alias>ReportType</Alias><Name>ReportType</Name></Field>',
CommandTextParameters = ',ReportDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, CAST(dateadd (day, -1,GETDATE()) AS DATE), 121),ReportType = case EOMONTH(dateadd (day, -1, getdate())) when dateadd (day, -1, getdate()) then 3 else 1 end',
SubscriptionName = 'KPIFinancialReportDailyAndMonthlyPDF',
Subject = '[case EOMONTH(dateadd (day, -1, getdate())) when dateadd (day, -1, getdate()) then ''Monthly Financial KPI Report'' else ''Daily Financial KPI Report '' end + CONVERT(VARCHAR, CAST(dateadd (day, -1,GETDATE()) AS DATE), 121)]'
where EmailSubscriptionID = 409

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

SSRS: Report in PDF has extra blank page

Issue: Report in PDF has extra blank page.
Solution: On the IDE, go to Report Properties, set ConsumeContainerWhitespace to True.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Talend: Special Characters are Changed into ?

Issue: I got a tRest component that connects to an API URL. It extracts some json data and outputs to csv. Some characters on my csv file are getting converted to "?"

Fix: Change the Encoding under Advanced Settings for FileOutputDelimited component from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8