Tuesday, 5 March 2019



acct_id credit_limit effectivestartdate
5678 0 31/05/2013 23:18
5678 200 1/09/2013 10:45
5678 0 30/10/2017 11:16
123456 0 7/04/2013 14:27
123456 200 22/04/2013 16:53
123456 500 4/01/2017 8:08
123456 0 29/11/2017 15:51

select acct_id,
       isnull(lag(effectivestartdate) OVER (partition by acct_id order by effectivestartdate desc ), '9999-12-31') as EffectiveEndDate
into #temp
       (select acct_id, credit_limit, effectivestartdate
       from CDWOperationalImage.dbo.tacct_aud
       where acct_id in (123456, 5678)
       ) x

select * from #temp

select * from #temp
where '2017-02-17' between EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate
or '2018-02-17' between EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate


acct_id credit_limit EffectiveStartDate EffectiveEndDate
123456 0 29/11/2017 15:51 31/12/9999 0:00
123456 500 4/01/2017 8:08 29/11/2017 15:51
5678 0 30/10/2017 11:16 31/12/9999 0:00
5678 200 1/09/2013 10:45 30/10/2017 11:16

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Date conversion, etc

To be continued...

How to get the month name for a specific month number

Select DateName( month , DateAdd( month , @MonthNumber , -1 ))