UPDATE <object> SET column_name={expression | DEFAULT | NULL};
UPDATE <object> SET column_name={expression | DEFAULT | NULL}
WHERE <search_condition>
- Updates that don't explicitly reference a column with a default will not invoke (or re-invoke) the default value. Using the DEFAULT keyword causes the default to be applied during the update.
- Updates NULL for columns that don't actually have a default constraint.
- Subquery enclosed in parentheses returning a single value is permitted.
update p
set EmailPromotion = 2
from Person p
inner join BusinessEntityAddress b on b.EntityID = p.EntityID
where city = 'Vegas'
update EmailAddress
set EmailAddress = 'jenny.juanillas@gmail.com', modifieddate = default
where EntityID = 123
update ProductInventory
set Quantity *= 2
where ProductID = 123
Compound Assignment Operators
Modifies based on existing column value
- += add and assign
- -= subtract and assign
- *= multiply and assign
- /= divide and assign
- %= modulo and assign
- &= bitwise AND and assign
- ^= bitwise XOR and assign
- |= bitwise OR and assign
Updating Views
- View must be updatable. Must reference exactly one base table in the view definition
- UPDATE must reference columns from a single base table
- Column references must be to data and not to computed columns or aggregate functions
- No TOP allowed in the view definition
- Columns modified can't be part of GROUP BY, HAVING, or DISTINCT
Use INSTEAD OF triggers to modify data.
(Insert and Delete are also allowed against views).
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